![]() |
CApplicationView | |
CARCSAbstractComponent | Class handling the generic description of a component |
CARCSAbstractFamily | Abstract class representing a family of components i.e. a factory of factories of components |
CARCSAppBase | Basic application handler |
CARCSAppEvent | Event-loop based application handler |
CARCSAppGUI | Event-loop based GUI application handler |
CARCSApplicationComponent | This class represents an application |
CARCSApplicationObject | Application objects are used to implement specific interfaces when the application needs to be embedded |
CARCSAppMode | Base class for launching and handling ARCS applications |
CARCSAppThread | Threaded application handler |
CARCSAppThreadEvent | Threaded and event-loop based application handler |
CARCSArrayFactoryTemplate | Template class to implement array serialization |
CARCSArrayTemplate | Template class to implement arrays |
CARCSColorLog | Generic class for coloring log event |
CARCSComponent | |
CARCSCompositeComponent | Class defining a composite component i.e. a component made of components |
CARCSConnection | Describes a connection |
CARCSConstant | |
CARCSConstantModifier | A class to store constants in contexts |
CARCSContext | This class manages components and constants in a given context |
CARCSControllerComponent | Defines a controller component |
CARCSDownloader | |
CARCSFactory | A singleton handling all needed factories in ARCS runtime |
CARCSGeneralLogger | General purpose logging component |
CARCSGeneralLoggerBase | Base class for ARCSGeneralLogger |
CARCSHTMLColorLog | Specialized log colorizer for html output |
CARCSInit | Desribes an initialization over a component |
CARCSInterface | A class describing interfaces of components |
CARCSInternalFamily | This class represents the family that describes several internal component types |
CARCSLibMakerParser | |
CARCSLibManager | This class is a dynamic library manager |
CARCSLog | General purpose logging class |
CARCSLogEvent | Class that describes a log event |
CARCSLogSource | A special QString subclass |
CARCSMethod | A class describing a component/method pair |
CARCSNativeComponent | Component representation of ARCS Native components |
CARCSNativeComponentTemplate | Generic factories for each new native component type |
CARCSNativeFamily | Native family handling native components inside ARCS runtime |
CARCSPackageManager | |
CARCSProcess | This class is representing a process under ARCS |
CARCSProxyComponent | Component linking |
CARCSQDynamicObject | Interface to extend QObject functionnalities in order to make objects with dynamic signals or slots |
CARCSScriptComponent | Scripting components |
CARCSScriptQObjectProxy | This component will be a QObject proxy in order to implement script behaviours */ |
CARCSSensorLogger | General purpose logging component |
CARCSSensorLoggerBase | Base class for ARCSSensorLogger |
CARCSSheet | Maintains connections between objects |
CARCSStateMachine | Class describing a state machine in order to control an application |
CARCSTypeFactory | Generic class describing how type factories should be implemented |
CARCSTypeFactory_ARCSComponent | |
CARCSTypeFactory_ARCSConstant | |
CARCSTypeFactory_bool | |
CARCSTypeFactory_boolArray | |
CARCSTypeFactory_double | |
CARCSTypeFactory_doubleArray | |
CARCSTypeFactory_float | |
CARCSTypeFactory_floatArray | |
CARCSTypeFactory_int | |
CARCSTypeFactory_intArray | |
CARCSTypeFactory_long | |
CARCSTypeFactory_longArray | |
CARCSTypeFactory_QSize | |
CARCSTypeFactory_QString | |
CARCSTypeFactory_short | |
CARCSTypeFactory_shortArray | |
CARCSTypeFactory_stringArray | |
CARCSTypeFactory_void | |
CARCSTypeFactoryTemplate | Template class to implement type factories |
CARCSTypeWrapper | |
CARCSUnixColorLog | Specialized log colorizer for Unix |
CARCSWrapper | |
CARCSXMLHandler | This is an XML Handler for all ARCS native XML formats |
CComponentItem | |
CComponentNester | |
CDisplayInt | Displays every integer sent to itself |
CEditComponentWidget | |
CGraphicsComponentItem | |
CGraphicsGripLinkItem | |
CGraphicsInvocationItem | |
CGraphicsLinkItem | |
CGraphicsPortItem | |
CInvocationDialog | |
CLibraryPath | |
CLogView | |
CLoop | This class is a loop sending as much iterations as needed |
CMainEditor | |
CNewComponentDialog | |
COrderConnectionsDialog | |
COrderInvocationsDialog | |
CPortDialog | |
CProcessItem | |
CSheetItem | |
CSheetView | |
CSleeper | |
CStackExploder | Component triggering stack explosions This component intends to demonstrate how to circumvent stack explosions using the signal/slot mechanism |
CStringListValidator |