Table of Contents

Installing ARCS

Please notice that this procedure is only for the current version of ARCS.

The installation of ARCS has to follow several steps:

Building ARCS under Linux

Preparing the environment

To compile ARCS, you will need to export several environment libraries.

export ARCSDIR=/path/to/ARCS/sources
export PATH=$PATH:$ARCSDIR/bin

This allows to tell where ARCS sources are put and where executables as well as libraries will be found. If you intend to use ARCS in a dedicated directory (i.e. without installing it on the system), you might be interested in putting these environment variables into a .bashrc or .profile file in your home directory.

Building ARCS sources

The usual procedure to build ARCS from sources is then the following one:

tar xvf arcs2-current.tar.gz 

This could be translated as:

  1. Unpack the archive;
  2. Go into the unpacked directory;
  3. Run the qmake utility from Qt framework in order to generate a Makefile;
  4. Build sources.

A few optional steps may be performed:

Building ARCS under Windows

Preparing the environment

You must set several environment variables in order to compile ARCS. Under Windows XP, you will have to right click on My computer, choose the entry Property, the Advanced tab, and then the button Environment variables. You should add two different variables :

You should also add to the PATH environment variable the value c:\qt4\bin.

Building ARCS sources

You will have to do the following steps :

Next step

The next step is to check the engine is well installed and behaves well.