Table of Contents

Installing ARCS

Please notice that this procedure is only for the first version of ARCS.

The installation of ARCS has to follow several steps :

Building ARCS under Linux

This should be quite simple. The usual procedure is the following one :

tar xvf ARCS-1.0.tar.gz 
cd ARCS-1.0
make install

This could be translated as :

  1. Unpack the archive ;
  2. Go into the unpacked directory ;
  3. Run the qmake utility from Qt framework in order to generate a Makefile ;
  4. Build sources ;
  5. Go into superuser mode ;
  6. Install programs and libraries that have been built.

Building ARCS under Windows

Building ARCS under Windows can get quite tricky. The first problem is to have a version of Qt running on Windows. If you have a commercial version of Qt 3.3.8, then you probably will not have a lot of problems compiling ARCS. For the other people who intend to make GPL software, you might have a look at the files from the qtwin initiative (be aware that qtwin (or Q…) is not something affiliated to the original qt project).

Building sources from Q...

Getting Q...

  1. Go onto the Q... file page and download the archive that suits you the best ;
  2. Unpack the library. We will suppose in the following explanations that it has been unpacked at the root of C: logical volume. Some of the instructions might be outdated since they are for Windows XP.

Preparing the environment

You must set several environment variables in order to compile Q… Under Windows XP, you will have to right click on My computer, choose the entry Property, the Advanced tab, and then the button Environment variables. You should add two different variables :

You should also add to the PATH environment variable the value c:\qt3\bin.

Compiling Q...

After about an hour, Q… is compiled.

Building ARCS sources

You will have to do the following steps :